Weight Loss with Ayurvedic Treatment – How the System Works?

As far as systems of alternative Medication go, Ayurveda is among the fastest growing ones on earth. Originally from India, it is spreading fast in the west. Although most people today associate it with massage, relaxation and therapy of health ills, Ayurveda also provides weight loss solutions. In actuality, a great deal of people have successfully embraced Ayurvedic practices for weight reduction, and in the process also restored a greater sense of balance and harmony in their lives.

Understanding Ayurveda

To know how ayurvedic treatment for weight loss, an individual must first understand the system itself. According to Ayurveda, life is a process which involves the interaction of three kinds of energies, or Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These energies are found in every individual, and you can only be considered physically, emotionally and emotionally healthy, when these energies are in balance and there is harmony. However, if you are struggling with obesity, excessive anxiety, a quick temper, depression, poor immunity or some other physical or psychological illnesses, it indicates that the energies aren’t in equilibrium and corrective measures are essential.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda and Weight Loss

As far as excess weight goes, Ayurveda doesn’t work like modern exercise procedures, which focus only on the difference between calories burned and calories consumed. As opposed to simply following a calorie formula, Ayurveda first attempts to understand why and how your energies are out of balance. To begin with, in most individuals the Three energies aren’t present in equal measure. It is more probable your life entails one or two predominant energies. Vata is the Energy responsible for all sorts of freedom, including digestion, blood circulation, respiration, creative thinking, speech and emotions. Individuals that are predominantly Vata may be excitable, highly energetic, restless, and might struggle with constant attention and long spells of concentration.

It is responsible for the mechanics of metabolism and certain thinking skills, including the capability to understand. People with a huge dose of Pitta energy don’t gain or lose weight easily; they are quite sensitive to light; and they have a fantastic appetite for sweets, and a wonderful ability to learn and focus. Kaphais the Energy of water and earth, and is made up of all of the organs, tissues and cells in the body. Its functions include the lubrication of joints, memory retention, and bone and muscle strength. Kapha people have strong, thick set bodies and they are trustworthy, loyal and compassionate. Their minds are stable too, but they frequently have a slow metabolism. This makes them more prone to putting on weight and they also find it very tough to shed weight.